The unique structure of our department benefits our research efforts and provides students with opportunities for collaboration and multi-disciplinary understanding.
Research in geology, geophysics, geological engineering, and petroleum engineering uses knowledge of earth systems to inform engineering design. Applied and basic research is performed in areas such as geotechnical and rock engineering, water resources, space resources, remote sensing, and natural hazards.
Understanding the dynamics and interconnections of the processes that shape near-surface environments on Earth.
Geophysics and Earth Deformation Processes explore new techniques, models, and insights for understanding the subsurface, with focus areas that range from plate tectonics and earthquakes to geotechnical properties and landslides.
Petroleum and Mining Systems and Applications focuses on novel exploration, characterization, and extraction methods for strategic natural resources on Earth and in space.
Though a major societal concern, we are up to the challenge of ensuring the sustainability and security of water resources. We use approaches and techniques to manage water resources with focus areas in petroleum, mining, and agricultural systems.
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